Case Studies

Monday, June 21, 2010

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Letter from Dr. Gabriela's Patient

Sam Barber

My Story
You need to know about a real alternative for dental care. I have used my years of dealing with this issue for my family and myself to offer you an incredible cost saving choice. I have found the best alternative available then made it easy, reliable and safe.
I have been to two countries for dental work and saved over $7,000.
I have talked to lots of patients that have saved over $20,000.
As you will read here, I was so impressed with my new family dentist Dr. Gabriela Bastidas and some of her peers that I started this company to share it with you and your family.
This opportunity for you is easier than flying overseas. It is safe and it is guaranteed. You sleep in the USA every night yet have the benefits of low cost healthcare only available in another country.
My own story starts few years ago while living in Florida. Our family operated quite well after we decided not to continue our medical coverage. Time passed and our dental work became something we always put off. When our local magazine named the best dentists in our city I decided to go to the top rated one. After two visits and over $300 nothing really happened except x-rays, cleaning and appointments to do the real work and on and on. I was looking at OVER $4,000 of work for the two of us. Just as importantly I wanted MY TIME to be respected.
In my reading I came across articles about the great, reasonably priced dental work, south of the border. I was reading about the people flying overseas for medical treatments from skilled doctors and dentists some of whom were trained in American. I took one of those trips. In preparation for my trip I found one of the few bilingual and internet savvy dentists then booked. I went in and despite our inability to speak the others language we did pretty well. But instead of the expected root canal, he performed a tooth extraction, filled some cavities and put on a temporary crown.How much would that cost you at your dentist’s office?It cost me under $300.
Ok two years pass. I have moved and I am now living in Arizona. Dental work has become very important for my family. I am looking at a $5,000 to $8,000 bill for three of us.
A family friend came by the house one day and we were talking about dentists. She said to us, why not come down to Mexico with me and we will get you an appointment with my dentist. She does all my work for the past few years and she is wonderful.
I was not interested it seemed unsafe to me. I had heard that Mexico was not the place to go for medical procedures. She was insistent. As she made more points she added, "It is so cheap it is worth the drive and the inconvenience". I said, "No way I am going to Mexico for any medical work".
The friend insisted until we all went.
The drive down to Los Algodones was three hours. From there we walked into Mexico just like that. Walking around the little town we navigate through a maze of booths, stores and a barrage of sales people until we arrived at a small little office in a medical plaza. In fact the whole plaza and much of the town was filled with dentist offices. I was surprised to see hundreds of Americans going to get their dental and vision and pharmacy needs met. It was a real eye opener.
I met our new dentist in her small but clean office. All the equipment was modern and clean, her many certifications and degrees were on the wall easy to read, and as the day progressed and each of us took our turn she was competent and easy to work with. All that work was done that day except for follow up visits for the permanent crowns. Instead of paying over $3,000 or $5,000 or $8,000, I paid under $1,000.
When she handed me the bill I was shocked. I must tell you it is the first time I could not wait to get the money out of my pocket before she changed her mind. I could not wait to pay her.
Soon I was the one talking to friends and neighbors wanting to share my new found knowledge with them. I kept talking about our experience and sending people down there. The more I returned the more people I talked to. I met others who already had been going down to this small little town for years and relied on it as a major part of their personal healthcare.

Implant Surgery

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Procedure for a new bridge

First Stage;

Preparation of the remaining teeth to anchor
the bridge

Second Stage;

Test the steel skeletal to make sure
the teeth are sealing

Third Stage;

The Lab place the porcelain in the skeletal
ready for the patient's mouth

Top view of the finished bridge

Final Stage;

Bridge placement into the patient mouth.
Check the occlusion, polish and ready.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Implant Surgery.

Patient: Steve from Montana US

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Frequently ask questions

Question: What are Dental Sealants?

Answer: Dental sealants are a clear and protective coating that is applied to the biting surfaces of the back teeth. The sealant protects the tooth from getting a cavity by shielding against bacteria and plaque. Sealants are most commonly placed on children's permanent back teeth because they are more prone to cavities. Most insurance companies pay for sealants on children's teeth. They can also be placed on adult's teeth, however, insurance usually won't cover them. Dental sealants are a great way to protect your child's permanent teeth from cavities.

Question: What is Fluoride?

Answer: Fluoride is a mineral that helps prevent tooth decay. It occurs naturally in all water sources. Studies show that fluoride reduces cavities in people of all ages and is effective and safe when used correctly. The correct use of fluoride has been said to have dramatically reduced tooth decay over the past few decades.

Question: What is fluoridated water?

Answer: Virtually all water contains some amount of fluoride. Water fluoridation is the process of adding fluoride to the water supply so that the level reaches approximately 1 part fluoride per million parts water (ppm) or 1 milligram fluoride per liter of water (mg/L); this is the optimal level for preventing tooth decay (1).

Question: Why fluoridate water?

Answer: In the early 1940s, scientists discovered that people who lived where drinking water supplies had naturally occurring fluoride levels of approximately 1.0 ppm had fewer dental caries (cavities). Many more recent studies have supported this finding.

Fluoride can prevent and even reverse tooth decay by enhancing remineralization, the process by which fluoride “rebuilds” tooth enamel that is beginning to decay.

Question: When did water fluoridation begin in the U.S.?

Answer: In 1945, Grand Rapids, Michigan, adjusted the fluoride content of its water supply to 1.0 ppm and thus became the first city to implement community water fluoridation. By 1992, more than 60 percent of the U.S. population served by public water systems had access to water fluoridated at approximately 1.0 ppm, the optimal level to prevent tooth decay.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers fluoridation of water one of the greatest achievements in public health in the 20th century.

Question: Where can people find additional information on fluoridated water?

Answer: The CDC Web site has information on standards for and surveillance of current fluoridated water supplies in the United States. Visit and search for “fluoridation.”

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Web site has more information about drinking water and health. It includes information about drinking water quality and standards. This Web site is located at on the Internet.

Question: How does fluoride work?

Answer: When the element fluoride is used in small amounts on a routine basis it helps to prevent tooth decay. It encourages "remineralization," a strengthening of weak areas on the teeth. These spots are the beginning of cavity formation. Fluoride occurs naturally in water and in many different foods, as well as in dental products such as toothpaste, mouth rinses, gels, varnish and supplements. Fluoride is effective when combined with a healthy diet and good oral hygiene.

Question: Will my child need fluoride supplements?

Answer: Children between the ages of six months and 16 years may require fluoride supplements. The pediatric dentist considers many different factors before recommending a fluoride supplement. Your child's age, risk of developing dental decay and the different liquids your child drinks are important considerations. Bottled, filtered and well waters vary in their fluoride amount, so a water analysis may be necessary to ensure your child is receiving the proper amount.

Question: What type of toothpaste should my child use?

Answer: Your child should use toothpaste with fluoride and the American Dental Association Seal of Acceptance. Young children, especially pre-school aged children, should not swallow any toothpaste. Careful supervision and only a small pea-sized amount on the brush are recommended. If not monitored, children may easily swallow over four times the recommended daily amount of fluoride in toothpaste.

Question: How safe is fluoride?

Answer: Fluoride is documented to be safe and highly effective. Research indicates water fluoridation, the most cost effective method, has decreased the decay rate by over 50 percent. Only small amounts of fluoride are necessary for the maximum benefit. Proper toothpaste amount must be supervised, and other forms of fluoride supplementations must be carefully monitored in order to prevent a potential overdose and unsightly spots on the developing permanent teeth. Do not leave toothpaste tubes where young children can reach them. The flavors that help encourage them to brush may also encourage them to eat toothpaste.

Question: What is topical fluoride?

Answer: Topical fluoride comes in a number of different forms. Gels and foams are placed in fluoride trays and applied at the dental office after your child's teeth have been thoroughly cleaned. Fluoride varnish is one of the newer forms of topical fluoride applied at the dentist office. It has been documented to be safe and effective to fight dental decay through a long history of use in Europe.
The advantages of varnish are:

Easily and quickly applied to the teeth.

Decreases the potential amount of fluoride digested.
Continues to "soak" fluoride into the enamel for approximately 24 hours after the original application.

Question: What is Nitrous Oxide?

Answer: Nitrous Oxide is a gas that's combined with Oxygen to produce a a calming effect and a sense of well being when inhaled. Many dentists use Nitrous Oxide to help a patient relax during dental treatments.

When the dental procedure is over, the dentist will have the patient breathe only Oxygen for a few minutes to eliminate the effects of the Nitrous Oxide.

Unlike other sedations, the patient should have a clear head within minutes of coming off of the Nitrous Oxide allowing them to function normally with no lingering effects. Nitrous Oxide is also known as laughing gas.

Question: What is Tooth Sensitivity?

Answer: Tooth sensitivity is a common problem that affects millions of people. Basically, tooth sensitivity means experiencing pain or discomfort to your teeth from sweets, cold air, hot drinks, cold drinks or ice cream. Some people with sensitive teeth even experience discomfort from brushing and flossing. The good news is that sensitive teeth can be treated.

Question: How can you Treat Tooth Sensitivity?

Answer: If you have sensitive teeth, talk with your dentist to discuss treatment options and rule out specific dental problems. Once specific dental problems have been ruled out, your dentist might recommend an office fluoride treatment to help strengthen the tooth enamel.

Many times, tooth sensitivity can be treated by using a toothpaste made especially for sensitive teeth, called a desensitizing toothpaste.